Consulting for companies for transformation into the working world of the future

The permanent changes in working environments, workplaces, tasks and roles in the dynamics of digital transformation often lead to conflicts in implementation or at least contain considerable conflict potential. These, in turn, can develop into overarching resistance and disruptions, especially if the focus is on a smooth implementation of the necessary changes.

With MESH® CONSULTING we have the ability of workers and workers to control rights in the context of conflict resolution systems in order to maintain a lasting competitive advantage and success for the company.

With a combination of decades of experience and new communication formats, we create solutions, especially taking into account the background of increasingly complex impact relations, also in organisational forms with an agile orientation, which open up new perspectives of a form of professional conflict management for conflict regulation and successful cooperation in many current fields of conflicts.

MESH® RESEARCH provides a constant exchange about new developments in the practice and research of conflict management.