Responsible for:
- Train the Trainer concepts
- Presentation- and training-skills
- Validation of Trainer — self-concepts
- Evaluation of trainings
- Didactic training competences for professional quality requirements in adult education
Overview of career stages
- Founder and senior partner of a management consulting firm, among others
- Consulting in the area of personnel development, recruiting, outplacement, professional repositioning
- Training and coaching in the areas of leadership, new work, digital transformation, change management, team development, communication and conflict management
- Senior Manager and Product Owner Digital Marketing and Payment in a leading international media group, including
- Implementation of agile project management, including tools and methods, education, training and coaching of project staff and teams
- Project management for the development and implementation of an app for a leading multi-partner program in the area of customer loyalty
- Support for various change projects at subsidiaries
- Senior Executive Consultant in a French stockexchange listed IT services company, including
- Establishment of the sales and consulting division with focus on payment solutions in the retail, banking and payment services sectors
- Head of a competence center in an IT service company in the banking sector, among others
- Consulting and nationwide project management of the project to introduce the chip card
- Project management of the project development and operation of customer loyalty systems for cities, municipalities and energy suppliers based on chip cards
Facing special professional challenges …
…I often experienced when it was to find the right time to hand over the respective “babies” — in the form of projects and products, for which I played a major role in developing them, as well as for the teams that I had built up — into other “hands” after their birth. I have succeeded in doing better and better with increasing seniority and experience. My greatest professional challenge however was the leap from corporate structures to the foundation of a consulting firm, five years ago
- Correspondence Study in communication psychology (since 2019)
- Professional training as Business Coach & Business Trainer
- Training for systemic coach
- Project management according to Scrum and IPMA
- Studies of Business Administration and Management (University of Applied Sciences Munich FOM)
- Training as a bank clerk
Activities related to further education, lectures and conferences, including
- Impulse days at the Schulz von Thun Institute in Hamburg on topics such as “Values and development square for managers”, “Coaching with the inner team”, “Giving professional feedback”, “Dealing successfully with change;
- Webinars (Svenja Hofert): among others “Applying team models correctly”, “Psychology of change”, “Team coaching in an agile context
- Attendance of various lectures and conferences on topics such as New Work, Leadership, Change Management, Design Thinking
- various further training courses in the following subject areas: communication, didactics, methods in training and coaching, train the trainer, train the coach, supervision
Participation in projects and research, publications, volunteer work
- Introduction of agile project management and agile product development in an international media group
- Development and introduction of the first customer loyalty system based on a chip card-based bank card
- Development of a competence centre for card-based payment systems and chip cards
Heike Hohenstein
I personally associate change with…
…concepts like courage, „joie de vivre“ and the willingness to learn new things over and over again.
For me life is change. Change means feeling alive and developing, even if the time is perhaps not always ideal. I was lucky to have been accompanied on my path by people who challenged and supported me, who believed in me and my abilities when I had not yet discovered these abilities in myself.