Important stages of my professional career
McCANN USA, Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechsel-Bank AG, SEM Dornier, Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm (MBB), DASA, IUL Softwarehouse AG, Staatl. Polyt. Universität St. Petersburg, Treuhandanstalt Berlin, Deutsche Bahn AG.
Curriculum Vitae
Technical and commercial training, business lawyer, business ethicist and doctor of sociology
Editor and author of various scientific publications
Core competencies and personal professional passions
Creating the (self-)understanding and effective framework conditions for professional process support in omnipresent changes is an important driver of my work. It is my declared goal to create a motivation basis for new thought structures. . I would like to implement this especially in the context of business areas that are to be developed specifically: Establishment of conflict management systems in organisations, process and dialogue support as a facilitator or mediator, business process-oriented responsibility for repositioning and developing companies, mobility concepts of the future.
Essential criteria of good future-oriented education
For me, future-oriented education and training is synonymous with lifelong learning. . In in-company training and further education, it is important not to consume and reproduce ready-made concepts, but to practice a culture of independent learning and work that offers the chance to develop creativity and create something new within learning processes.
Trends in consulting
Regardless of their respective fields of practice, the current challenges facing companies, organisations and public administration not only require sustainable, innovative and demographically sensitive professionalisation, but also a reorientation far beyond the traditional forms of consultancy. In addition to special expertise, it seems to me that, in the flexible handling of complex tasks, the situational application of a methodical mix of proven elements of consulting, training, coaching, mediation and facilitation is increasingly becoming a key qualification, even beyond the everyday life of a consultant. This assumption is also the basis for the orientation of our in-house programs and further education and training.
Changes with a dynamically changeable leadership style such as servant or charismatic-transformation leadership are easier to implement than using a conventional, transactional leadership style based on a purely rational level of experience.
Contemporary consulting is not only understood as help in solving problems, but above all as support in preventive and resource-promoting measures in the case of complex changes in companies, which require rethinking processes at high speed, for example in dealing with increasingly occurring conflicts.
The most important insight in my life so far
Loyalty does not mean that I agree with everything the other person says or that I believe he or she is always right. Loyalty for me means that I share a common ideal and that, ‑regardless of minor differences of opinion -, we together fight for it shoulder to shoulder, each one being sure of the other’s good faith, trust and reliability.
Friederich Peter Zeuner PhD
The importance of change for me
The fact that they often do us good — knowing this has helped me to make life decisions with a little less fear and instead with a large portion of more confidence. As great as changes are, they are only auxiliary means. Sticking to our values will bring us success, regardless of the auxiliary means, which we use to make it happen.